Avonlea Lighthouse
Don't you just expect Gus to come walking from behind the light? This is Sea Cow Head Light in southern PEI, just east of Summerside. It was used for wide shots (where you can see the cliffs) on Avonlea. Another lighthouse, built on the set in Uxbridge, Onterio was used for close ups. If you follow the Blue Heron Drive, going west from Charlottetown and then take 119, that will get you close, but it's a challenge to find!
Peeking Through the Trees
A unique shot of Sea Cow Head taken from inside the spruce bush behind the lighthouse.
Avonlea Cliffs
These beautiful cliffs were shown as the final shot of "So Dear to My Heart", among other episodes. They are located on the South Shore of PEI east of the Sea Cow Head Light.
Looking Out Over North Rustico
This photo shows the skyline used in the opening shot of Avonlea's first season opening credits, where Sara is throwing rocks into the ocean. The harbor is located in North Rustico. This is also the same harbour used in many of the PEI shots in Anne 3. I think it's meant to be Carmody.
Coming soon. |
Dalvay by the Sea in Grand Tracadie, PEI is known as The White Sands Hotel on Road to Avonlea. I sometimes call this site "Disaster by the Sea"...In 1996, while staying there overnight, I was wakened by a horrible thunder storm that set off the fire alarms. In 1998, Amber endured an attack of mosquitos when we stopped to take a picture. Later I tripped over my own feet while skipping through the parking lot. Then Seema managed to knock her drink over on herself while we took tea at the hotel.

This time Seema and I got caught in a sand storm that nearly knocked us over, after being subjected to a very confused waiter who forgot to give us our tea! All this makes us wonder if Dalvay is possessed :) or, as Amber says, maybe it's just us...I should say, however, that Seema and I did have a lovely time sitting on these deck chairs while we looked out over Dalvay Lake. The chairs remind me of Felix working so industriously for his guests in "Fathers and Sons."

Orwell Corner Church
Orwell Corners has a plethora of Avonlea filming locations. One is this church. In the early episodes of Avonlea the building appeared as the exterior of Avonlea's Presbyterian Church. It's especially recognizable in "All that Glitters." You can see additional shots of Orwell Corner (including the chruch) in Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea
Jasper's House
This idyllic spot is Golden Milestone (Jasper's farm) in the early episodes of Avonlea. Seema and I learned something amusing when we confirmed that these barns were used on Avonlea. The gentleman told us that if you watch Anne of Avonlea closely, you'll notice that in one scene Marilla is played by a man! The man is another Orwell Corner employee; the only person they could find to drive the buggy.