Prince Edward Island; a Journey Home ... watercolor of two girls walking along a red road

Click on These Links to See Pictures of PEI:

*Cavendish Beach
*Road to Avonlea
*Emily of New Moon
*Green Gables

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July 11, 2000
On June 24th, 1998, I boarded a plane to Prince Edward Island; my second journey to LMM's fairy tale- like world. Little did I know how welcoming the island would be. Just as Maud had said, that two weeks was like "coming home"!

I will always think of my first journey to PEI as a "Literary Pilgrimage," while I think of this one as a pilgrimage of friendship; because I got to spend it with two very special people: Seema and Amber. They certainly made the trip interesting! Anne once said "Having adventures come naturally to some people...You just have a gift for them or you haven't." (Anne of Avonlea, An Adventure on Tory Road) Well, I think the Kindred Twins have that gift! I know I never would have experienced some of our crazy adventures without those two young ladies urging me on.

Now, having just returned from my thrid trip to the Island, I realize more strongly how magical a place PEI is, as well as how sublime friendship is. Despite the fact that Amber wasn't with us, Seema and I still managed to find adventure, as you will see in the coming weeks when I put up some brand new photos.

Take a sneak peek at the new photos.  Updated frequently.

Updated 1/12/02

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Opening graphic plus the paintings and photos on subsequent pages copyright 1997/1998/1999/2000, Janet L Hill

* Home * The Spirit of LMM * The Romance of the Seashore * A Silver Autumn * Fruitcake for Muriel Stacey * An Avonlea Musicale Programe
For God and Country *An Intermission of Trivia *True True Love * An Intemission of Gossip* Family Favorites *Happy Christmas*Good Night*Prince Edward Island Photos*Links to Other Road to Avonlea Sites * Links to Sites on LM M * Follow My Heart to Prince Edward Island *