*My Personal
Links *L M Montgomery
*L M Montgomery
Avonlea sites
*General Avonlea
Fan Pages
* Avonlea Actor
Fan Pages
*Avonlea Fan
*Avonlea Filming
*Avonlea Mailing
*Prince Edward
Island Sites
- A Prairie Home
Companion: I frequent
this little spot when I need my Garrison
Keillor fix. He's a master story
teller, who's tales of his fictional home
town, Lake Woebegone, are full of quirky,
yet real characters that fill your heart
with laughter and tears. His
stories rank right up there with L M
Montgomery and Mark Twain.
Minnesota Public Radio is kind enough to
offer us his performances on line in real
audio format. You can choose to
listen to the whole show, or just
sections. I usually just listen to News
from Lake Woebegone.
- Lifetouch: photography
- A Beginning in
Photography : I am a
beginning photographer, so I find
tutorials like the one here very helpful.
I hope you do too.
- Census 2000 : My summer
job. Stand up and be counted; it's only
once every ten years and the statistics
it generates determines many important
things for your community.
- The Hunger
Site : Every day
you visit this page it donates food to
the United Nations Food Program.
All it takes is a click of your
mouse. Great concept; fantastic
site :)
- E-bay: I never knew
I had a competative side until I started
bidding on e-bay. You can find some
great deals and some rare merchandice
here. I visit the doll section, the
movies, and the book section the most.
- HTML Goodies : Pretty good
resource for web design, from the basic
tutorials on color choice and immage
placement to more advanced things like
java script.
- Web Graphics
on a Budget : This site
gives some wonderful tutorials to set you
off on a web graphics adventure with
Paint Shop Pro, an excellent graphics
program. I learned the basics with this
site, which enabled me to explore the
program on my own. Highly recommended.
- Rose Garden
Graphics : My other
website, with original graphics
- Victoriana.com: One of the
first sites I visisted on the web.
Interesting merchants, museums, and
articals related to the Victorian era.
- Bitsy's
Kitchen: Good site.
Nicely designed, it has some great fruit
smoothie recipes (my breakfast of choice

L M Montgomery
on the Birth of Anne of Green Gables
All my life it has been my aim to write a
book- a "real live" book. Of
late years I have been thinking of it
seriously but somehow it seemed such a
big task I hadn't the courage to begin
it... Two years ago in the spring of 1905
I was looking over this notebook in
search of some suitable idea for a short
serial I wanted write for a certain
Sunday School paper and I found a faded
entry, written ten years
before:-"Elderly couple apply to
orphan asylum for a boy. By mistake a
girl is sent them." I thought this
would do.... Somehow or other she seemed
very real to me and took possession of me
to an unusal extent. Her personality
appealed to me and I thought it rather a
shame to waste her on an ephemeral little
serial. Then the thought came,
"Write a book about her."...
The result of this was Anne of Green
book may not sell well. I wrote it for
love, not money-but very often such books
are the most successful- just as
everything in life that is born of true
love is better than mercenary ends."
~~LM Montgomery, The
Selected Journals of L M Montgomery Vol1
August 16, 1907
- LMM Institute:
learn about
LMM research, conferences and the Kindred
Spirits Mailing List
- Kindred
Spirits Mailing List: Instructions
on how to join a wonderful mailing list
dedicated to discussing LMM among other
things. I've been on the list for two
years, and have always found it a joy.
Kindreds are special people indeed! :)
- Picturing a
Canadian Life; LM Montgomery's Personal
Scrapbooks and Bookcovers: Online
exhibit of LMM's scrapbooks. Quite
wonderful, you can spend hours on this
site. Articles on travel, fashion,
photography, visual imagination, World
War I, and more.
- LMM in
Ontario: Page about
Maud's life and works after leaving PEI
- The Poetry of
LM Montgomery: Ever wonder
about Maud's poetry? This page gives you
a sampling
- The Anne of
Green Gables Encyclopedia: an
alphabetical index of the people and
places in Anne of Green Gables.
- L M Montgomery
Original Book Covers: discusses
some of LMM's novels through changes in
their cover art; pictures of original
- L M Montgomery
Festival: PEI Festival
celebrating LMM's life on PEI and her
- Anne 2008: 2008 marks the
100th anniversary of the publication of
Anne of Green Gables! Plans are already
underway for a HUGE celebration. This
site will keep you updated.
- Beyond Green
Gables: The Life of LM Montgomery: Collection of
audio and video clips from the CBC
archives chronicaling the life of LMM.
- An LM Montgomery
Resource Page: Great resource!
News, history, book summaries and
critiques, quizzes and games.
- Valancy and Her
Blue Castle: page about LMM's
adult novel, The Blue Castle
- The Unofficial AGG
Homepage: Scripts, bloopers,
links, photographs and more
- Sullivan's Anne 3 Site: Although Anne 3 is
not quite what I consider a true adaptation, this
site offers a fantastic discussion board. Now
that they updated the site, it's even better;
including the first two (and far superior)
- The Blue Castle,
Rainbow Valley and Emily of New
Moon Musicals by Hank Stinson
Anne of Green Gables
the Musical: This buoyant musical
is in its 37th season on PEI! Learn about it
Becky's Unofficial
Emily of New Moon Webpage: This television
series aired on CBC for four years. It was filmed
entirely on PEI. Becky has a nice site dedicated
to the series. It seems to be the only one left

"I'll never forget the days of
my youth. When the waves rippled between my toes,
taking the pink and silver grains of sand back
out to the depths of the sea. There was a peace
then; an indescribable feeling of imortality in
the eb and flow of the tide, and the seemingly
endless streatch of beach and sky. Now as I gaze
out upon those same sparkling waters, I realize
that youth is never left behind, but is carried
always, gently, in the heart."
Hetty King from her novel
"My Home is the Island"... Momento
Offical Sites
- Sullivan
Entertainment's official AvonleaPage
General Fan Pages
- The Magic Lantern
Avonlea Guide:So well done, it's
one of my favorites. My favorite section is the
episode descriptions, which are informative,
comprehensive and include intellegent analysis
and opinions. The "Explore Avonlea"
section is also nifty, as is the "Behind the
Scenes" feature. It's a fun way to spend
half an hour :)
- The Kindred
Twins Lighthouse in the Garden (currently down
for restructuring) :by the inimitable Kindred
Twins; Explore their lighthouse home, try Amber's
challenging Avonlea quizes, take a look at her
lovely PEI travel photos, read their fan fiction
and more. If this site ever appears, I'll eat my
hat! That's what!
- Zsolst's RTA Site: Now called The
Golden Road to Avonlea, it has lots of unique
Avonlea photos, some goodies rescued from
Disney's old RTA site, screen caps, and video
clips of AvCon 2004
- Avonlea.tv: (formerly known as
The World of Avonlea and Remebering the Road to
Avonlea) ~ by Janet Cutchins. Lots of java script
and flash now included on this beautiful site, as
well as some sound clips and surveys, html text
of the The Story Girl, games, and other
exciting features. I always look forward to her
updates. That girl is very creative with flash!
- The Definitive Road to
Avonlea :a page with a lot of
basic info on episodes and videos
- Little Bear'sRoad to Avonlea in
interesting with lots of pictures
- Seema's Top Ten Reasons Gus
Loves Felicity: very funny :)... and
written by one of the sweetest people I know! My
favorite part about this site is the fact that
she promises she'll update her site, then jokes
"check back in the year 2000". LOL!
- Jamie and Chelsea's
- Avonlea Quotes: Very stylish page
with lots of favorite Avonlea quotes divided into
- Shelly's Avonlea: This site keeps
getting better. A little bit of everything: This
site includes fan fiction, an Avonlea Drinking
Game, a page about Zach Bennett, the "Free
Cecily" movement and much more. Some very
unique features; refreshing.
- Road to Avonlea: I love the feel of
this site from Iceland. I think it's the Jasper
and Olivia section that won me over. She has some
very high quality, unique Avonlea jpgs and a fun
multiple choice Avonlea quiz.
- Journeying the Road to
Avonlea: Actor info,
pictures, sets.
- Avonlea Adventures in
Roleplay: Avonlea Survivor,
an Avonlea Map, ect for the members of an Avonlea
Roleplay Group. Cool layout.
- Avonlea Crossroads: A fun site with many
features, including Avonlea games, quizzes and
actor memorials.
- Our Avonlea: The site includes
character bios, pictures of the Avonlea set, info
on PEI history, and more.
- Avonlea Crossroads: Various fun features all
about Avonlea
- Neighbors of Avonlea: Character summeries,
pictures, links and more
- The Road to Avonlea, A pretty site about
Avonlea. Includes an "Anne's Theme"
midi playing in the background.
- Avonlea: Sullivan's first Avonlea
site, archived. Recipes, reflections, and a final
season "sneak preview". Ahh, brings
back memories of the old days.
Actor Fan Pages
- Leota's Michael
Mahonan Page
- Anne's Michael Mahonan
and Avonlea Page: it's MM, do I need
to say more?
Mag: A Mag Ruffman Fan Page: with lots
of unique and fun photos of our favorite RTA
actress, it now has information on the other Ladies
of Avonlea, Jackie Burroughs, Lally Cadeau,
and Gema Zamprogna.
- Forever Zach: Shelly's page about
Zach Bennett (Felix King).
Ain't That The Pistol:
Avonlea's Jasper Dale: A page dedicated to
the awkward man, Jasper Dale.
Fan Fiction
Avonlea Fanfic: A small collection
of Avonlea fan fiction
Harmony's Avonlea
Fanfiction Site: More fanfiction
Filming Sites
- Road to Avonlea -
Uxbridge Connection: interesing
- Black Creek Village: many early episodes of
Avonlea were filmed here, as well as Happy
Christmas Miss King
- Orwell Corner: Exteriors of Avonlea
were shot at this PEI historic village
- Cavendish Beach: Exteriors of Captain
Crane and Anne and Diana running in the dunes
were shot here
- Dalvay By the Sea: This is the "White
Sands Motel". When I was there in 2000, they
had a book of photos they took during Avonlea
filming that was pretty interesting. All you had
to do was ask for it.
- Westfield Heritage Center: This site includes
pictures and information on the buildings used in
both Anne of Green Gables and Avonlea
Mailing Lists
- Click here to Join the
Avonlea Village Listserve : the
"Village" is a group of
"Roadies" who love to talk about
everything Avonlea :) It is a very special place,
with lots of lovely people. Come and join us,
kindreds all :)

Peace! You never know
what peace is until you walk on the shores or in
the fields or along the winding red roads of
Abegwaite on a summer twilight when the dew is
falling and the old, old stars are peeping out
and the sea keeps its nightly tryst with the
little land it loves. You find your soul then...
you realize that youth is not a vanished thing
but something that dwells forever in your heart.
And you look around on the dimming landscape of
haunted hills and long white sandbeach and
murmuring ocean, on homestead lights and old
fields tilled by dead and gone generations who
loved them... you will say, "Why... I have
come home!"
~"Prince Edward
Island" The Spirit of Canada LM
"When I'm on
Prince Edward Island in the summer I always
understand an
Old Scotch Islander I met once in Winnipeg. He
was always talking of
'the ISLAND.' Someone asked him, 'What Island do
you mean?' He simply
looked at that ignorant man. Then he said, 'Why
Prince Edward Island,
man. What other island is there?'
~Kilmeny of the Orchard L.M. Montgomery
- Prince Edward Island
Information Center
Prince Edward Island
Visitor's Guide
Take a Virtual Tour of
University of PEI
- Prince Edward Island
Buisiness and Vacation Guide
PEI Weather Forcast
Another Virtual Tour
of PEI by PEIOnline