To give you an idea of where
the following piece is coming from, I need to give you an idea of how this
list came to be. Several years ago, during the long Summer nights, my partners
in insomnia (see credits, above :) ) and I needed some entertainment, so
we came up with a game called "why is Avonlea so special". It was so much
fun, providing us with some very tangible ideas on the charm of the show
that we turned it into this list.
Editorial comments (and Smilies)
provided by Amber.
Have fun with this and try it
yourself one of these days. If you come up with anything good, please e-mail
me, "Auntie Janet", using the form on this page, and you might just see
your ideas the next time you check this page :).
Oh, and why do we call it "Fruit
Cake for Muriel Stacey"? Well, Because, when we get together, the three
of us can act just like Aunt Janet and Viola Elliot, who took Miss Stacey's
automobile for a spin without permission. And, like Viola and Janet, we
have our "tonic"... lack of sleep, which makes us especially prone to "acting
like a (group) of teeners." This was our peace offering for taking a car
for a spin and careening into a snowbank.
'Nuf said!
(See one of my favorite epidsodes
The Minister's Wife)
So... What Makes Avonlea so
Special? ....
people and real emotions *simple, true to life plots that hit home *family
and friends and relations *beautiful scenery, costumes, people and homes
*beautiful music *the way they represent the innocence and wonder of childhood
*laughter, singing, tears, hugs, kisses, yells, shouts, races,picnics,
smiles *the sea ers *the red cliffs and pink beaches and fields and forests
and shining waters *moonlit nights *skies full of stars *raindrops on roses
*whiskers on kittens *bright copper kettles *warm woolen mittens *brown
paper packages tied up with strings (don't tell me you didn't see those
coming=) heehee=) ) *slaps, fights, punches, strangling, stabbing (Seema!
you're only mentioning the violent parts=) ) *tickle fests in bed *sleigh
rides *ice skating *wildflowers and soft, long, green, wild grass *red
chinese lanterns and ministers' wives in red kimonos *fiddles *men who
cry, but don't sob *Felicity's apologies *hats!!! *Pus!! *warm,
fuzzy sweaters *mists on the farm*amber waves of grain *purple mountain
majesties *above the fruited plains....(heehee=) ) *sunsets *watching clouds
and finding pictures in them;)*red roads*graveyards*catching butterflies
*writing in diaries *writing in news notepads *writing novels *gentlemen
in vagabond clothing *Felix's schemes *Felix's bad luck with animals *sawdust
pudding *trellises *haylofts *young romantic girls on the verge of womanhood
*secrets *sacrifices *so many aunts, you can't keep 'em straight=) *Tea!
Tea! Tea! *lovers returned from the past *cozy parlors lit
only by fireplaces *blue dresses that look purple *"blue shoes to impress
the cows... and Bobby" *travelling carnivals and circuses *drama competitions,
and bets with family recipes *music boxes that play "Annie Laurie" *standard,
unromantic proposals*rescuing boys who have fallen in wells after desperate
romantic proposals *desperate, romantic proposals *practicing the
waltz with a best friend/cousin *dances at the White Sands *barn dances
*rummage sales *snow storms *the sound of silence during a cold, crisp
winter night*"Cecily, you stay here..."*gossiping in the general store*home
movies *awkward inventors*auctions*corsetts *secrets *true, true love=)
*pigs in corsetts *dogs in pig ears *"little girls..." *sweet orphans *flag
cakes *ruby rings *birthday rings *lost wedding rings *musicale productions
*hope chests *ice fishing *mysterious letters and hidden treasures *ships
*ghosts!? *shelling peas *peeling apples *picking apples *choosing apples
*bobbing for apples (and making the helper fall in love with your apple
bobbing abilities?=) ) *apple
blossoms *orchards *fir and spruce trees *daisies=) *cherry pies *twins
*hair cuts=) *sawdust pudding *"poisoned"berries *storytellers *bagpipes
*sailors *eccentric villagers *cricket matches *privies *honey wagons *walking
along the shore *crazy women from a circus named Isis heehee=) *fall foliage
*spring and summer colors *diamond winter days=) *impromptu fireworks displays
*lullabies *cars and planes careening toward haystacks *cars careening
into snowbanks=)
Well, it looks as if this page has come full-circle=)
Hopefully this fruitcake wasn't too full of nuts=) It was edited a LOT!!!!!=)
And you know what that means.... it means that there are still SEVeral
kindred things to add to the list!!!!!=)
Please feel free to add your own Fruits and
Nuts to our cake using the form below (Note: 9/5/99 I just got this form
working since my move to Freeservers, so if you don't see your fruits and
nuts on the next page, it's because I haven't been recieving your submission...
I'm sorry about that; please send it again) :
See how others have added their
fruits and nuts to help make a
Recipe for Fruitcake

Kindred Spirits have
visited this page since January 14, 1998.