Updates Title


rose 5/31/05
An amazing announcement! Some time on my hands, and some determinatioin combined to create a miricle; I finally completed the new Avonlea Musicale!!!!! Four years in coming! Sheesh! Anyway, I hope navigation is easier and there are now pictures to make it more interesting. Also, a few new songs were added, too.

I took another trip to PEI last summer, and hope to add new photos to the Trip Home section soon. My photography skills are greatly improved, and I can't wait to show you some of the gorgeous photos I took in 2004!

rose 1/12/02
Yes, I know it's been ages since this thing was updated, but when you have a job that calls you out of town a total of 8 weeks during the fall months, and requires you to work 50-70 hours a week between times AND you have 3 other websites to maintain...well, something has to be sacrificed. Anyway, I have a tiny addition... a guestmap that allows you to show other Kindreds where you reside. It should be fun :) I hope you all will sign it.

rose 9/5/01
Ok, it's nearly midnight... I just finished working 12 hours, and what do I do? I get online, find a cool site, and instead of going to bed like a good girl, I stay up and update my Links page. I added some commentary and a new Avonlea link. I need to actually put together my new Avonlea Musicale design, update my trip photos, and fix some weird problems I have with the Musicale, but that will have to wait a few weeks or more. But...at least you all know I don't completely neglect my rose garden. Trouble is, I'm planting a new bush when I should be ridding myself of aphids... Ok, I DID say it was midnight, didn't I? G' Night! More soon :)

rose 5/30/01
Updates to The Avonlea Musicale today! Basically, I am preparing this section for a face lift. In addition to making the pages uinform, I'm preparing to make navigation a little easier. Currently, however, I've been fixing midi html coding that suddenly stopped working on IE. It used to work... I'm not sure what's happened. Ahhh, the joys of html! If you experience any problems with my new code (or my old code, for that matter, please email me. Thanks, all! :) Have a lovely summer.

rose 5/15/01
Updates to LM Montgomery and Avonlea today! The postcards are on hold til I can get my templates transfered to my new computer, but I added a ton of information comparing Sulli's Avonlea to LMM's The Story Girl and the Golden Road. A few major characters were added, as well as quite a few plot similarities. With a few exceptions, I'm pretty well done with the TSG and GR similaries now, and will soon put up comparisons for LMM's short stories.

rose 3/15/01
Updates to Trip Home today! Finally I added two more postcards to Sneek Peek. I also moved the strange horse picture to its new home. Hopefully I'll update sooner the next time :) so please keep checking back.

rose 1/06/01
Trip Home had some html restructuring today. My design didn't work on Netscape using my original coding, so I fixed it! If you've been viewing the PEI pages with Netscape, wondering what the heck I was thinking, laying the page out like that, then please check it out again. You'll see what you were meant to see! :) Also, Fruits and Nuts for Muriel Stacey was finally updated. I added about 4 or 5 new contributions that have been sitting in my mailbox for several months. Finally, all of the Spirit of LMM pages have a new and improved layout. It looks much more professional, I think. Please look them over, as I've added new pictures and altered text in places. Check back soon. I have some new "postcards" to upload.

rose 12/12/00
Auntie's Sneek Peek was updated, with a view of the new "Avonlea Village" and its previous pictures were moved to Southern PEI Lighthouses and Seascapes.

rose 9/29/00
Auntie's Sneek Peek was updated, and a new photo page was added: Seascapes

rose 9/23/00
Auntie's Sneek Peek was updated, and its previous pictures were moved to Green Gables Sites and Lighthouses.

rose 9/11/00
All pages on Journey Home are now complete, as far as design goes. I will add two pages to the gallery as I continue to upload new photographs. Today I put two brand new pictures on Auntie's Sneak Peek. The previous ones went to Avonlea Filming Locations.

rose 9/3/00
The reconstruction on Postcards from a Journey Home is nearly complete. I've decided that instead of adding all the 2000 pictures at one time, I'm going to add them slowly. Before they go onto their permanant page, though, I'm going to give you a special Sneak Peek. There are two new pictures there right now, so check them out. There should be a new sneak peek every two weeks or so, depending on how much free time I get.

rose 8/28/00
The lighthouse section was seperated into two pages in preparation for the many new lighthouse pictures I have ready to put up on the site. There is a page for Northern PEI and Southern PEI. In the Northern section I added a very nice picture of the North Rustico Lighthouse.

rose 8/10/00
Another Dalvay by the Sea photo on the Avonlea Sites page. The best thing about Dalvay was sitting in these deck chairs peeling the petals off the daisies that were scattered around us, while we watched the sky. You'll notice the heavy white clouds in the sky when you look at the picture. No less than 3 storm fronts passed through PEI that day (July 5), so those clouds were moving fast. I enjoyed watching the quickly moving shadows make their way across the seas of grass in PEI National Park.

rose 8/2/00
A new photo replaced the old "Dalvay by the Sea" one on theRoad to Avonlea Sites section of Journey Home. It was also updated to reflect the new postcard design. Several other new photos will be added to this page in coming weeks. Seema and I came upon quite a few filming locations while we were there last month!

rose 7/27/00
Many updates for PEI: A Journey Home. I got back from my third trip to PEI a few weeks ago, and have lots of lovely picture "postcards" to share with you all :) I've been scanning photos lately, and putting them up on my site (look for new photos about twice a week). Journey Home is also getting a new look while I'm at it. Lupines, Sunsets, and Cavendish Beach are all complete (with new photos). Along with the new look, I am removing some of the photos that have been up for a while, so this might be a good time to go through the older sections to see your favorite pictures one last time :)

rose 6/1/00
Well, it's been ages upon ages since I last updated. I meant to get that "new" avonlea page up a long, long time ago, really I did. However I never posted links to it because I never completely finished it. I have it at least presentable now so I'm going to go ahead and let you all see it. Aren't you lucky? It's a comparison between LM Montgomery and Road to Avonlea If you are an LMM purist and ever wondered if there was anything from the books that made it into the series, you'll be surprised to find they did. If you never read LM Montgomery, but loved the series, or if you tried to read her after becoming a fan of the series and were disappointed that the characters weren't the same, you might find this info interesting as well. You can see where your favorite RTA characters came from, find your favorite episodes or sketches in the book, and maybe give the novels one more chance. I hope you enjoy. And for those of you who know both RTA and LMM frontwards and backwards please don't hesitate to give me any kind of feedback.

It would help if I gave you the link, wouldn't it? LMM vs RTA

rose 9/19/99
You may have noticed a scrolling line with a quote on my index page (if you have IE, that is). Well today I added a collection of quotes to the scrolling html that will enable you all to see a different quote each time you visit the Index page. The quotes are very personal, mostly rules I *try* to live by, and the philosophies I used when creating my rose garden, but there are also a few quotes that I just find lovely for no particular reason. I hope you enjoy them all.

rose 9/5/99
More updates today, specifically on the Fruitcake for Muriel Stacey page. The form now really, truely works! It's been telling me someone submitted a form, but would not tell me who, what their e-mail address was, or what they said. I finally figured out what was going wrong this afternoon, so it's up and ready for use. One lady submitted hers to me via email address, so I added her lovely words to the Fruitcake Recipe . I hope you enjoy them :)

rose 9/4/99
Well, the update isn't going as quickly as planned. I have a new job, which is taking up a lot of time, so I haven't been able to get that new page up yet. However, I've been working on the look of the site. This page has been changed and few others have some new graphics. I got a great, especially nutty addition to the Fruitcake that I shall add this weekend :) Thank goodness for long weekends, eh? Have a great Labor Day!

rose 8/16/99
Today I fixed some font colors and added a scrolling quote to the index page. Work is coming along on the newest section of The Spirit of LM Montgomery. I should have it up by next Saturday.

rose 8/8/99
Well, I started on the site redesign yesterday and continued on it today. Check out the Index page. If you have a java-capable browser, I've got a nifty new navigation thingy up. The last two buttons do not change, but that will be fixed soon. More changes to come in the following weeks, including that new LMM/Avonlea related page. Please keep checking back!

rose 8/3/99
Last night I discovered a curious thing; the lighthouse page in the Trip Home to PEI page disappeared. I spent this evening putting it back up again. I also took the opportunity to add a few photos to both the Lighthouse section and the LM Montgomery Sites section. Please feel free to take a look.

I still have some cleaning up to do on my webpage; a few jpegs not loading, some links that I missed the first time around need to be corrected, ect. After that's done, I have a few surprises up my sleaves. The new Site design will be debuted and a brand new LMM/Road to Avonlea section will be unveiled. Please keep checking back!

rose 7/25/99
Well, the dirty work is done! I started at I's the B'y and worked all the way through to the end, editing the links. I also fixed the form on Fruitcake for Muriel Stacey so that it works with Freeservers. If you are so inclined you can now submit your fruits and nuts (aka thoughts on why Avonlea is special) for Muriel's cake. Finally, I updated the Road to Avonlea Links, adding about 5 new pages.


Road to Avonlea is the property of Sullivan Entertainment. No copyright infringements intended. These pages are for fan enjoyment only.

8829 Kindred Spirits have visited this page since June 22, 1999.

Graphics by:

Rose Garden Graphics Victoriana.com and me!
e-mail Auntie Janet

* Home * The Spirit of LMM * The Romance of the Seashore * A Silver Autumn * Fruitcake for Muriel Stacey * An Avonlea Musicale Programe *Prince Edward Island Photo s*Links to Other Road to Avonlea Sites * Links to Sites on LM M * Follow My Heart to Prince Edward Island *